These are a couple of books we got from a great source of books on much of Japan, China, Okinawa, and Korea. The first book is Okinawa, Her Beauties and Traditions, No 1, by Shinzan Yamada, Shuri, Okinawa, University of the Ryukyus Foundation, 1952. It has several good stories. The second book is Okinawa, The Commodore Perry Centennial Issue, Volume II, 1853-4, Commemorating 100 Years of Ryukyuan American Friendship, by Shinzan Yamada, Shuri, Okinawa, University of the Ryukyus Foundation, 1953. It has some wonderful wood block prints attached to the pagesOkinawa and her beauties Okinawa by Yamada Volume 2


This is a book we acquired with several great stories.Folktails of Okinawa


This was a donation from Yoshiko Beckman and family of influential people of Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands done in wood block print.

influencial people of the Ryukyus in woodblock print

Work in Progress